The following general terms and conditions apply to all bookings made at La Bicicleta Hostal, business owned by CULTURA VIAJERA S.A., an anonymous society with RUC J0310000250758, which is legally incorporated in the Dirección General de Ingresos (DGI) and Commercial Registry of Nicaragua.
Room reservations included on the website or on any online travel agency shall be governed by the following hiring general terms and conditions which the user accepts when booking. These hiring general terms and conditions are in effect for all accommodation offered on the web and on any online travel agency which may be modified without any prior notice and don’t affect changes to bookings already made.
La Bicicleta Hostal reserves the right to modify the commercial offer presented on the website or on any online travel agency (changes to accommodation, prices, promotions and other commercial and service conditions) at any time. La Bicicleta Hostal makes every effort within its means to provide the accurate information and without typographical errors. In the event that at some point an error of this kind occurred, always outside the will of La Bicicleta Hostal, it would be proceed immediately to its correction. If there is a typographical error in one of the displayed prices and a customer had made a purchase decision based on that error, La Bicicleta Hostal will inform the customer their error and the customer will be entitled to cancel the purchase without any cost for him or her.